Skin Checks

Approximately two out of three Australians will develop some form of skin cancer in their lifetime. Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world.

Have you had your skin check recently? All of our doctors preform skin checks, but two of the doctors at our clinic are specialised in this, having completed their postgraduate studies in skin conditions and their treatment.

In Australia, approximately 1200 people die from melanomas and other forms of skin cancer every year. However, skin cancer is almost totally preventable. Statistically 95% of skin cancers are treatable if detected early.

See your doctor at Butler Village Medical Centre if you notice any of the following warning signs for melanoma: a change in shape, size or colour of a mole, any oozing or bleeding, itchiness, swelling or tenderness.

If you notice any change in a mole or pigmented area, your doctor at Butler Village Medical Centre can look at the lesion, perform a biopsy if necessary and remove it (or send to a specialist) if it needs to be removed.

  • best practice
  • clinipath
  • University of Western Australia
  • best practice
  • clinipath
  • University of Western Australia